What is Authentic Leadership?
In response to my recent survey on, “What do you think is the biggest challenge for leaders?” I received lots of great feedback and insights. One, in particular, from Coach Marianne Wagner of Conscious Creation Coaching, stood out because it was so thought provoking and is foundational for successful leadership. I’m calling it Authentic Leadership. A challenge for many leaders is being authentic. Marianne describes it that leaders are often faced with the inability (or [...]
Fear of Conflict
Fear of conflict has to be on the top ten list of things people fear, especially at work. Do you ever fear conflict? Does your team? Is there an artificial harmony that covers up those bigger issues simmering underneath? Recently, I talked about the importance of TRUST to effective teamwork, as discussed by Patrick Lencioni in The FIVE Dysfunctions of a Team. He points out failure to build trust is damaging because it sets the [...]
The Importance of Trust
What Happens When Trust is Missing? “Trust lies at the heart of a functioning, cohesive team. Without it, teamwork is all but impossible.” Patrick Lencioni, Author, The FIVE Dysfunctions of a TEAM. How effective is your team? Does your team trust one another? According to Lencioni, Trusting Teams: Admit weaknesses and mistakes Ask for help Accept questions and input in their area of responsibility Give one another the benefit of the doubt before arriving at [...]
Struggling with a Decision?
Are you struggling with a decision? In a recent conversation, a new client was struggling with whether or not to take on a particular opportunity. Has that ever happened to you? Whether the decision is something related to taking on a new project or taking on a new career, the process is often challenging for people. What to do??? People often find themselves confused and overwhelmed. Fear is often hidden underneath, which hampers clear thinking [...]
What’s Holding You Back?
Is there something you want to achieve in your life or your business that’s just not happening? Are you having trouble achieving the success and happiness you desire? Are you scratching your head wondering what’s going on, why it’s not coming together? What often occurs in this scenario is that there is something going on at a subconscious level. It’s not at your level of consciousness which is why it’s not so obvious to you. [...]
Don’t Fake till You Make It, Instead…
“Don’t fake it till you make it, fake it till you become it.” This is the most commonly quoted line from Amy Cuddy’s powerful TED talk on body language. While most people have heard, “Fake It Till You Make It”, the distinction in the Amy Cuddy quote is about incrementally nudging yourself to become the best version of yourself and being present in challenging moments. In her book, Presence, Amy points out this is NOT [...]