“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.”  Ecclesiastics 11:4

Can you relate to this?  Do you ever put things off? We are good at putting things off and are very creative with the reasons, rationale or excuses for this.  Seeking perfection is often at the root of this and we don’t even know it, at a conscious level.  “I’ll do it later” sometimes just feels better, at the time. Sometimes it is.  But when this becomes your way of life or mode of operations, it can be a problem.

If you struggle with this, start being an observer of yourself.  The first step to transforming, or making meaningful changes, is awareness.  When you find yourself waiting for perfect conditions, so to speak, ask yourself, “What’s really going on here?”   “What am I afraid of in this situation?” Is it fear of failure?  Fear of making a mistake?  Fear of success?  Not being good enough?

What would happen if you just took one small step toward what you want to do?  If you do, you’ll notice how good you feel about yourself!  While going out of your comfort zone, doesn’t feel comfortable in the beginning, there are many rewards.  That’s where growth and fulfillment take place.  Somewhere, I read, “Beginning is half done!”  I love that phrase – a powerful motivator.

So, if you are waiting for perfect conditions, take some advice from Nike, and “Just do it!” 

I’d love to hear your thoughts!  Lois@LoisCarson.com