What happens when you first meet a person, and even any additional interactions, can make a huge impact on the success of the relationship and what’s tied to it.  The rapport established (or not!) ultimately impacts things like: “making the sale”, “getting the promotion”, having great relationships with your boss, your direct reports and your teammates” and much more. 

When rapport is good, your brain signals, “I trust this person”.  You can feel it in your gut! Then you are more open to hearing what they have to say, being in relationship, working with them, etc.  When rapport is not good, distrust arises and a person’s brain and body chemistry signal fear responses that trigger the fight or flight response.  You don’t get the sale or the promotion or the project just doesn’t go well.  Can you relate?

Here are 5 simple tips on building rapport so you can build trusting relationships:

  1. Be warm and friendly.  Start with a friendly smile, good eye contact, and/or a warm handshake.
  2. Show genuine interest in people.  Ask curious questions.  Give genuine compliments.
  3. Listen without judgement and the urge to “be right”.  Really hear what’s being said or not said.
  4. Find common ground and shared experiences.  Ask about them (mostly) and share about you.
  5. Use a “co-success” approach.  What’s possible for you to create in working together?

I hope you find these helpful!  Now, it’s your turn.  What is your favorite “rapport building question you like to ask or be asked when you first meet someone?  Comment here or send me an email:  Lois@LoisCarson.com